Helping Exchange for Change embrace Oracle Solutions through seamless Deployment


Oracle technology platforms may be world-leading, but the right implementation and support are crucial for customer satisfaction. That’s what iTANZ does.

At iTANZ, a great customer experience is front and centre. From our integrated services, to proven deployment methods, to nurturing close and productive relationships, we deliver outstanding results.

When everything works seamlessly during an Oracle deployment, everyone benefits. Take the example of a project we delivered for Exchange for Change, a government funded organisation that coordinates NSW’s Return and Earn container deposit scheme and the ACT Container Deposit Scheme.

Burdened with a legacy customer engagement platform, Exchange for Change desperately needed to update their systems. After we deployed a suite of Oracle products, efficiency, productivity, and end-customer approval skyrocketed. Exchange for Change is so impressed, they are now adopting more Oracle technologies.

A core platform was failing the organisation

Their web portal was the main point of interaction with customers. It was critical as it affected everything from customer service to financial transactions to daily management.

However, older technologies meant the portal was not performing. Customers were failing to fill in required information, and complaints were constant.

As a government funded organisation, accurate information gathering and customer buy-in were crucial. Failure to meet government mandated KPIs and compliance could incur heavy financial penalties, or even loss of the government contract. Obviously, something had to be done.

Oracle recommends iTANZ
Together, Exchange for Change and Oracle determined that Oracle Integration Cloud would be the foundation of the new web portal. However, the all-important deployment and integration required expert help, so Oracle referred iTANZ who had proven experience in solving challenging implementation problems.

As with all our clients, our approach is to focus on the business problem first. Understand the business problem, and how technology and integration will be best fit.

After iTANZ demonstrated that we clearly understood their fundamental business needs, we then outlined implementation strategies including technology, methodology and timelines.

Oracle solutions transform operations
iTANZ recommended and deployed a range of Oracle solutions in three separate sections.

The customer-facing section was based on Oracle Content and Experience Cloud and Oracle Visual Builder Cloud. Meanwhile, back-end integration was achieved with Oracle Integration Cloud and Oracle Process Cloud.

Additional functions to further empower business were delivered through Oracle Analytics Cloud Services and Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse.

An approach proven to deliver results
iTANZ use a gated delivery method that’s been validated across many client engagements. Essentially, we use a phased delivery that is incremental in nature, and which focuses on the criticality of elements and their priority.

This approach is tailored to the needs of mission-critical infrastructure where the window of success is small, and where it’s crucial to get it right first time.

It starts with a discovery phase, then planning, and finally development where components are delivered sequentially or in parallel.

Testing is a critical part of deployment. We don’t expect everything to work perfectly from day one. But we’re quick to respond to ensure any glitches are identified and resolved without disruption to business.

In fact, business disruption was not an option in this particular case. It was mandatory for Exchange for Change to keep running while solutions were being implemented, both from a customer and government contract perspective. iTANZ devised a strategy to accommodate this requirement to ensure zero downtime.

Success by every measure
The Oracle deployment has been a provable success on multiple fronts.

Performance of the web portal increased significantly, especially with uptime for customers. In fact, we estimate reliability has increased tenfold.

A new and better user interface has also dramatically boosted customer experience.
Proof of that is a recent customer survey conducted by Exchange for Change, which shows overall customer satisfaction almost doubled with the new portal.

The new interface has also enabled them to comprehensively collect customer data and ensure it is accurate – a critical requirement for compliance.

They can also be sure it meets security and privacy regulations. It now relies on Oracle Cloud Security and Oracle Identity Cloud Service to provide a level of protection that was impossible previously.

In addition, new data storage and analytics have helped them to get on top of information and make better use of it through informed insights.

The Oracle journey progresses
After initial deployment, iTANZ have provided ongoing support and optimisation of the Oracle technologies. The success of the project has also motivated Exchange for Change to implement further Oracle solutions.

We’ve already deployed Oracle Customer Experience Cloud to manage customer interactions. We’ll then be implementing Oracle Eloqua Cloud to assist marketing activities. After that, the next big step is to extend the portal to support self-service functions.

More recently, Exchange for Change extended their Annual Support contract to include Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP. This change has come as a direct result of iTANZ’s ability to deliver an exceptional customer experience throughout the project.

Driving Oracle adoption through brilliant customer experiences
If you have customers facing similar challenges, we can help. We offer deep expertise in Oracle products, industry-specific knowledge, and proven methodologies, all underpinned by practical wisdom gained from multiple engagements.

We are a highly certified Oracle partner and hold several Oracle specialisations across Applications and Cloud Solutions including Integration, Business Analytics, Cloud Security, Cloud Operations, Dev Ops and Content Management. Above all, we are trusted to deliver brilliant experiences through deployment, integration and support.

Find out how we can help you maximise satisfaction with Oracle solutions. Contact Shayne Whitehouse, iTANZ ANZ Sales Director, directly on email:

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