Council Analytics

Make better decisions with iTANZ Council Analytics.

It’s not just about data; it’s about making data work for you.

Discover How our Council Analytics Empowers You

Are you curious about how data can transform the way councils operate? Welcome to iTANZ Council Analytics – your gateway to a more efficient, cost-effective, and community-centric local government.

With iTANZ Council Analytics, you’re not just witnessing a revolution; you’re at the forefront of it. Picture this: a cloud-based platform that equips councils like yours with the very tools and insights they need to make informed decisions. Yes, you heard that right – it’s all about putting the power in your hands. So, what does this mean for you? It means improving service delivery, keeping costs in check, and fostering stronger connections with your community.

Welcome to iTANZ Council Analytics where your council's potential meets the future of smart governance.

How Can Council Analytics Benefit Your Council?

Council analytics offers numerous advantages for councils, including:

Empower Smart Governance Through iTANZ Council Analytics

Unlock insights, streamline services, and engage communities with our data-driven solutions.

How does iTANZ Council
Analytics work?

iTANZ Council Analytics is a cloud-based platform that provides councils with the tools and insights they need to improve service delivery, reduce costs, and engage with their communities.

iTANZ Council Analytics works by collecting data from a variety of sources, including council systems, customer surveys, and social media. The platform then analyzes this data to produce insights that councils can use to make better decisions.

iTANZ Council Analytics:
Empowering Your Council with Data-Driven Excellence

iTANZ Council Analytics provides your council with the tools and insights needed for improved decision-making, streamlined data management, and predictive analytics:

Data Collection and Integration

Gather data seamlessly from various sources, including council systems, customer surveys, and social media. iTANZ integrates this data into a single, accessible view for in-depth analysis.

Data Visualization and Reporting

Access a suite of user-friendly data visualization and reporting tools, simplifying data comprehension and sharing.

Predictive Analytics

Harness the power of predictive analytics to anticipate future outcomes, such as service demand or event likelihood, for more proactive planning.

Shape the Future of Your Council

iTANZ Council Analytics:
Your Path to Informed Decision-Making

We help councils unlock their full potential through

Tools for better service, cost savings,
and community engagement.
Streamlining data collection and integration
from diverse sources.

Offering intuitive data visualization

Reporting capabilities.

Empowering council’s to predict and prepare for
the future with confidence.

Ready to transform your council's future with data-driven excellence?

Contact us today for a demo and unlock the power of iTANZ Council Analytics.